//Reviews/The Legend of the Blue Wolves

Air Date:Dec 18, 1996
Genres: Mecha, Action, BL, Hentai
Type: OVA
Director: Urata, Yasunori
Studio: Phoenix Entertainment
Age Rating: R
Episode Number: 1
Rating: 4/10


In Legend of the Blue Wolve or Hot Space Cowboys, an event on Earth causes human to have to migrate to space. Everything is fine until Aliens attack one of the colonies sending them into war. The main character, Jonathan Tyberius joins an eliet sector to fight against them for personal reasons. The place base he is sent to is under corrupyted leadership. He ends up meet Leonard Schteinberg, who is there to get revenge for his brother. Then bs and sex happens.


This is a hentai so don't expect much of anything crazy out of it. The main plot is basic, so are the characters and their motivations. The animation isnt bad nor good, just in the middle. For the legnth of the OVA, you expect there to be more than 2 1/2 sex scenes. The existing scenes being boring asf and mostly slideshow montages. Oh yeah and ofc the Mc is raped by Ugly Bastardâ„¢ then saved by his "hot and sexy" bestie where he cuts of the guys dick, which was funny. For punishment Leonard is sent to the frontlines, not before they fuck tho.

A praise I can give it is the Mecha designs. For how breif we see them they look extemely cool. The twist of the OVA is that it turns out that Leonard was capture by the aliens and mindcontrolled to their side. So when Jonathan finally battles, he has to fight and kill him, which he does then cries. After that a text scroll happens and it ends. Even for a hentai it lacked sex, the downtime was boring asf, and even during the sex it was bad. Don't watch, just look up the Mecha designs.
