//Reviews/Yarichan Bitch Club

Air Date:Sep 21, 2018
Genres:Comdey, BL, Hentai
Type: OVA
Director: Yoshimura Ai
Age Rating: R
Episode Number: 2
Rating: 5.5/10


A dude named Toomed transfers to a new boarding school from the city, located in a secluded area. He is required to join a club so he chooses photography. It turns out the club is a sex club, were members go around and have sex withas many people as possible. There's also another tranfer student that gets roped into it, Yuu. The main plot and drama in the series is a love traingle. Yuu, Toomi, and another dude named Yaguchi. A lot of sex.


I can't really say much about it plot wise. Its an OVA only covering the first couple of chapters within the manga. So most of it is just set up. It leaves off on the point were shit actually starts to happen. Everything within the sumamrary is pretty much what happens. The animation is all right, although noticably weird at points. A lot of use of still frames and reused animated shots. The voiceacting is all right, nothing notable tbh. If you want to experience the story, I reccomend reading the manga instead. While the author doesnt update as often its technically still on going and easy to find.
