

Flcl??? Tf is a Flcl??? Flcl, pronounced Furi Kuri or Fooly Cooly is an anime that aired in the Us in 2001 on Toonami, made by studio Gainax. The story follow a 12 year old boy named Naota living in a boring town that nothing special happens in. One day he meets a mysterious woman/alien/maniac named Haruhara Huruko. When I say meets I mean he got hit by her vespa. She realizes she can make use of him and procedes to force herself into his life. Hyginks, mecha fights, interestrial space cops, and other weird B.s ensues.


The same Gainax that made Evangelion. Not that the people who made both of these shows still work there, most of them reside in their own studios. An well known one being Studio Trigger, that went and made peak of their own, like "Kill la Kill". I find it funny because Gainax kinda fucked the og creators which i'll get into later. Gainax was kinda in a interesting situation after making Eva, they had alot a money lying around without many future projects happening. So Gainax let the team do what they wanted, which led to the creation of Flcl.

Le Manga

There was a manga actually publiched before the anime even came out. This tends to happen with certain anime with mangas planning to release with them. It's happened to Utena's and Evangelion's mangas. The Flcl manga was published in a monthly magazine. Drawn by Hajime Ueada, its differs in multiple ways from the anime as to be expected. I beleive if you're a fan its worth reading. While the actual single volumes arent still being produced, they're not hard to find or expensive. Although there is a even more accesible omnibus of both volume still being made and sold.

Ear blessings

The music bro mmmmmmmmmm. The music was done by The Pillows, probably being their most known work. They've done the soundtrack for all of Flcl's (trash)sequels, being one of the only good things to come from them. The music played such a big part into me falling in-love with FLCL. They blended the music and show so well. In the highly emotional scenes have a build up that's usually let out in a following action scene. Or just the quite guitar playing in the resting rare periods of the show, with characters reflecting on themselves. While I like all of songs for me the best tracks gotta be "Last Dinosaur", "Beautiful Morning With You", "Ride on Shooting Star", and "Carnival". I think you should also listen to The Pillows in general. I recommend "Happy biovac" or "Fool on Planet" to start with their discography.

The Sequels :(

I did mentioned that I'll get into how Gainax fucked the og creators over. The time has come for me to dog on the hot garbage of sequels. To get into the background on how the sequels even happned.(this is a long one btw)

While we dont technically know, its been suggested multiple times by different people that theyre weren't even planning ANY sequels to FLCL. As i metioned earlier it was more of a fun art project for new and old creators to flex their creativity. Nothing more nothing less. I also metioned on how Gainax has ALOT of excess money from Eva, they blew through it EXTREMLEY fast. Matter of fact, they almost went bankrupt. They were so broke that they started to borrow money from Anno. Btw thanks to Anno we know a decent amount of events that took place, through interveiws ofc. Anyway, they kept borrowing from him and so he made a deal with them. He gets FLCL and Gunbuster, and they keep getting money from him. WITHOUT INTEREST TOO!!! Which is insane, he was pretty much doing them a favor with that kinda deal.
Before the deal was finalized Gainax drew out of it saying they want EVEN MORE MONEY. The story continues but since its not really relevant to the sequels much I aint telling it, you can find the interveiw online if you want to know the rest.

Later on Tsurumaki, the main dude who made the show was approached by Cartoon Network in 2008 to discuss possible sequels. He declined multiple times, but eventually agreed after the kept pestering him. Then they went to Production I.G who agreed to it, the company that helped with some things during the production of FLCL. Then pretty began pestering Tsurumaki until he finally agreed. A little bit after that, Flcl was sold to Production I.D after the rights became available. Which is how the sequels came to have NO direct invlovment with any of the actual creators.

Now onto the actual dog shit sequels!!! They mostly suck, some more than others. Grunge or Proggressive being the worse. Alternative being mid asf and Shoegaze being the best. Which still isnt saying much since its a 6/10. I don't think Flcl needed any type of sequels. It works the best as a standalone story, especially with the ending that we got. It also ruins certain aspects of the show, like some of the mysterys left. Which was fun to speculate on, and not having some half assed explanation to them *cough* *cough* Haruko. They add absolutley nothing of value to the og show and are a complete waste of time on your part. The art style has no flavor to its compared to the old show, which they "try" to recapture. Its crazy because they had potentional, like theyre only one episode in Progressive that I like and it shows that they still had creativity in the animation and it just makes me sadder that after that they went back to the bland art style. Grunge however is just hideous, whoever made the decision to have it be CGI need to be taken out back. They show the potetional that each of the sequels have to ressemble the og show that just make me scratch my head in why they didn't go all the way. If you do absolutley have to watch more of Flcl, I reccomend watching Alternative then Shoegaze since they connect. Don't even waste your time on the other two.

~I love My BBG Amarao~