//Games/ParRappa The Rapper

//General Info
Devolpers: NanaOn-Sha & Sony Interactive
Release Date: Dec 6th 1996
Status: Finished
Director: Hiroaki Sakurai
Composer: Masaya Matsuura
Artist: Rodney Alan Greenblat
Parrapa is known as one of the first Rhythm games to exist. I am a huge Rhythm game player, been play them since 5th grade. So naturally I got curious about it, I also thought that the designs were cute :P. Its kinda a pain to play on modern hardware.
"Erm...what do you mean, I can easilly boot up a Emulator and play it?🤓" Well you can, buuuuuuut theyres delay. Since the game by its self already has a iffy hit timing, even the slightest of delay can fuck you up. This is a problem mostly with Non-Crt monitors and Tvs. From what I can tell from playing on my phone, I can't really notice much of a delay. But when playing testing on all my Lcd monitors, not that it matters but all different resolutions. I tested on a Ps3, Wii, Ps1 and Pc. They all have a delay that I can feel some less than others which can maybe be the cable I'm using, and no its not just me being terrible at the game. Multiple other people have noticed it too. Its not terrible once you get used to it, but do keep it in mind if you're playing today! :D

Gamplay: As I mentioned it one of the first of the genre. Its kinda wild to think that the first rythm game was released not that long ago. The gameplay consists of you copying your teachers rapping about teaching you to do something. From a onion teaching kung-fu to a chicken telling you how to bake a seafood cake, shits gets real weird quickly. Thats where alot of the charm comes from, the weirdness. The game is slightly hard mostly because of the hit timing. As I said before, the it's weird. You really gotta go by ear than whats on the screen. You souldnt really copy exactly whats on the screen though. You can "free style" in the game, which mostly has you remix the thing that your teacher told you to repeat. If you know what youre doing, you can end up geeting a "Cool" rating. It can get goofy real quick, heres an example. The game is EXTREMLY short, I mean you can beat it in 25 minutes real easily. It has slight replay value if you really like the gameplay or how it looks. The game is REAL expensive too, since the game is really short unless youre a collector or just have money lying around I do encourage you to sail the seven seas on this one unless you find it cheap.

Sound: Since it is a rhythm game, its gotta have banging music. Some of my favorites are 'Instructor Mooselini's Rap' and 'Cheap Cheap The Cooking Chicken's Rap'. I've genually played those stages so much that I can easily rap along to em. The other stages are good to, the lyrics match very well. Speaking of rapping, I really like the voicing. I haven't looked much into the VA's but all of their voicings are really good here. They defintley match the characters, like Parrapa's voice. The sfx have a nice charm to them. Like the record scratch when you finish a line or the sound that plays when you hit the wrong note. Although it can get annoying when you get on the 'bad' or 'awful' rank. It plays this obnoxious thing in the back of the track that makes it even harder to concentrate and get back into the higher ranks. It like the devs want you to fail at that point lol.

Art: Rodney Greenblat, my goat, my king. He absolutley cooked so hard. Like the style of the game bro....grahhh. Shits just good. Like his artsyle is just sooo nice to look at. I feel like its a major things that make this game what it is. I love the weird paper cutout model. I love the stages. The UI elements are some of my favorite. The character design too bro. Just Peak.

Story: Its really goofy like alot of other things in the game. Theyres a dude named Parrapa and he has a crush on Sunny Funny. So he goes through and learns a bunch of stuff to get her and gets into random shit along the way. Its pretty simple and effective, not much else to say lol.
Gameplay: 7.5/10
Music: 8.5/10
Art Direction: 10/10
Story: 9/10
Overall Score: 8/10
Final Notes: You should play but keep in mind the issues :)
Last Edited: 7/19/24