
Air Date:August 5, 2003
Genres: Comdey, Action, Drama
Type: OVA
Director: Kazuya Tsurumaki
Studio: Gainax
Age Rating: Pg-13
Episode Number: 6
Rating: 9.5/10


Flcl??? Tf is a Flcl??? Flcl, pronounced Furi Kuri or Fooly Cooly is an anime that aired in the Us in 2001 on Toonami, made by studio Gainax. The story follow a 12 year old boy named Naota living in a boring town that nothing special happens in. One day he meets a mysterious woman/alien/maniac named Haruhara Huruko. When I say meets I mean he got hit by her vespa. She realizes she can make use of him and procedes to force herself into his life. Hyginks, mecha fights, interestrial space cops, and other weird B.s ensues.


Flc is probably in my top three favorite anime, along with Utena and Gundam 0079. Its such a short series but its left such a huge impact on me. There was a point where I was watching it every weekend on Saturday morning. The show is pretty much a whole metaphor on growing up, toxic relationships, and moving on from them. Each ep kinda forcuses on a toxic relationship. Ep 1 and 2 focuses on his relationship with Mamimi, where she uses him as a kinda replacement for his brother that left over seas. Ep 3 focuses on Naota's classmate, Ninamori and her relationship with him and her parents(mostly her parents tho). Ep 4 focuses on Noata's relationship with his brother and how he constanly feels like he needs to fill in his brother's shoes and finding his own identity. Ep 5, is on Noata's relationship with father and haruko, with Kamon getting activley manipulated by Haruko and Naota's jealousy (also a form of Haruko's manipulation). Ep 6, culamates into Naota's relationship with Haruko, it ending and moving on from her. By the end of the show each relationship is on the way to becoming better, with most of the characters growing up from their past selves.

Another good point is the music, I mean absolute banger after banger from The Pillows. I get more into it here, I highley recommend you to listen to their discography. The artistic direction is also a huge stand point. You can tell that the team put alot of passion into it. The visual gags are great along with the multiple references towards other media tieing into it. Like when Amarao shifts inro the south park style. I have to praise the localization team, since a lot of the references are very japanses specific and they had to make it so that english audiences understood. I recommend looking at the FLCL Wiki at the ep trivia section since it goes into every reference there. Uh its a good show, watch it.
