
Archetypes define the characters playstyle and strategy. These aren't all the existing Archetype but are the most common ones.


The most vanilla and basic thing to exist. This will definoley help you learn the games fundementals, because thats usually what they are. Think Ryu from SF, projectile, dp, and somekinda kick attack will be the name of the game. You will know how to play footsies with this character. Theyre usually the Mc of the series, Ryu, Kyo, Morgan, etc. If you want a usually easy charcater that will get you used to the game, I reccomend this. Just focus on footsies and basics.


This focuses on being on the oppponents ass. I mean all up in their space, give them NO room to breath. The exact opposite of zoning. They usually have low damage and sometimes low health. They are usually found in Anime Fighters, although there has been recently in more games. Think Chipp, Yosuke, Cammy. Very in your face style of play.

Glass Cannon

Delicate defense but high offense, I.E Glass Cannon. Hit hard and fall easily is how it works. They usually have low heath but insane tools, high damage, and great movement. You can either get TOD or TOD them, no inbetweens. The tools are given to you to win but if you make a mistake youre dead. They are usually high tier, sometimes even banned. Think someone like Akuma or MewTwo.


Be annoying. You sit in a corner and do nothing until your opponent tries to approach like a pussy. Jk this archetype is focused on you putting a lot of distance between you and your opponent then zoning them out. Usually with a projectile, sometimes being a long ass normal though. Think Guile, Remy, or Peacock(ew), extremely annoying skill check characters. Please be a better person and dont be a zoner. JUST SAY NO!


Trap characters are odd, they sometimes work differently from each other but the gist is that they usually lay traps across the screen and try to get you stuck in them. My bbg them/they Testament or my other goat Naoto are examples. Usually the trap aspect compliments the other one. Like they have to do something when someone gets trapped, usually have a pretty good offense. They are also kinda considered a sub category to zoners, attacks are usually long ranged as well. Be smart on how you place your shit and you’ll be fine, for me they're kinda easy.


Puppet characters have you pretty much controlling two characters. Maybe like stans from jojo, actually almost every character in HFTF are puppets. Sometimes you might have to summon that second character or it's always there. Think Ken &Koromaru, Carl Clover, or Eddie. To me these are hard because you have to keep track and combo with both of them. They will probably consist of juggles and such.


THE GOATED CHARACTER TYPE. GENUINELY THE BEST ONE HOLY SHIT PEAK PLAY THEM. They grab you, that's it. They revolve around grabbing you, most of their tools help them approach you to do so. High damage and high health, but slow…most of the time. Kanji, the geif, Alex are all grapplers. Get close to you opponent and grab to do half of their damage. Really fun to see and play lol.